Enriching education through art.

Art at SJO
Jake Beccue is the art teacher for SJO. His goal as an art teacher is to provide students with a creative outlet, build their technical abilities and craftsmanship, and for those interested, prepare them for a career in the art field.
In the past, FAB has purchased a kiln, clay wheels, and a color printer exclusively for art students’ use. New art tables are on the wishlist for future fundraising.

About Mr. Beccue
Mr. Beccue’s goal as an art teacher is to provide students with a creative outlet, build their technical abilities and craftsmanship, and for those interested, prepare them for a career in the art field.
Mr. Beccue attended Illinois State University where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Art Education before coming to SJO. He also does commissioned drawings, paintings, and murals and sells his work online, at festivals, and in galleries. He also assists with set and prop design for the drama program.

Art Classes
- Intro to Art
- Drawing
- Painting
- Ceramics
- Architecture
- Senior Studio