How can I help?


Make a donation through our annual fundraising drive, at any fine arts event, online anytime, or contact a board member. Businesses interested in advertising opportunities can be featured on our band trailer, banner, brochures, and more.

Join the board

The high school years fly by, so our board is constantly changing and in need of new members. Consider getting involved by attending monthly meetings or joining the board.

Get involved

Look for announcements about fundraisers, fine arts events, and volunteer opportunities. Sign up to support our young performers and artists.

Follow us on social media

Follow our FAB and student fine arts accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. You’ll find up-to-date information about our upcoming events and see what our students are working on.

Show up

This is probably the most important of all. Go to the plays and the musicals. Cheer for the marching band and pep bands. Attend the concerts. Look at the art on display in the commons. Bring your younger children and teach them to appreciate the arts at an early age. Spread the word.